
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

George Tran's Humble Beginnings

In an interview conducted by Kean Wong on The New Millionaire Show, you will learned that George Tran has a really extraordinary journey when he was still young.

He was born in Saigon, Vietnam. So basically he is an Asian, Chinese by decent and Vietnamese by birth. And then he migrated to Australia in 1979 as a boat refugee after his family fled the Vietnamese Communist invasion.

He was only 8 years old that time when that horrible experienced happened.

They snuck-out in the middle of the night and left through a little river boat. No map and were just guided by the stars. They were wandering for many days and were robbed by Thai pirates not only once but thrice. They took everything that they have including the engine. Good thing, they were found by a West German tanker.

And at the age of 9, he arrived in Australia. Literally with only clothes on his back and he didn't know any word of English.

It must have been really hard on his part considering its a new environment and a new culture. A lot of adjustment has to be done. But he thrives because for him, it's not a hindrance.

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